
Monday, January 25, 2010


Having just received the new periwinkle from CiM, zachary, I thought I'd do a comparison of the opaque periwinkles in my stash. From left to right, zachary, plain and encased, Effetre 220 periwinkle, plain and encased, and Effetre 222 dark periwinkle, ditto. No surprises here. I haven't done color testing, nor am I sure I'm going to. They all act pretty much the same way. They react with ivory, go toward the yellow/grey tones when silvered glasses and go lighter when encased. I haven't tried silver foil because any reaction that they would do sort of doesn't appeal. I plan to use them in florals, and they look very good when combined with transparent and opaque cobalt. For now, that is enough for me. In the opalino spectrum, there's Effetre opalino periwinkle, a very nice color that lies midway between their light and dark as far as saturation goes and CiM chalcedony, which I posted a picture of.

I have been working on getting some work for the event I am planning to merchant at in March and getting my etsy store up and running with usable pictures in it. I got a used kiln that was cheap and hopefully will do for now. This must do me for now.

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